Home, productivity, Saving money, Special Needs

The verdict – medication tracker

In my previous post I looked at alternatives for our current app we use to track my daughters daily medication which you can read more about here To pay or not to pay – Daily medication tracker – apps comparison. It came down to two apps, do we stick with what we have, Baby Connect, with… Continue reading The verdict – medication tracker

Special Needs

To pay or not to pay – Daily medication tracker – apps comparison

TLDR: Read if you are looking for a way to moved off paper to track mediations with multiple carers and provide assurance that the right medication was administered and by whom. This article looks at a range of options, including paid and DIY solutions and includes a comparison based on value and value for money.… Continue reading To pay or not to pay – Daily medication tracker – apps comparison

Home, Special Needs, Travel

Wheel chair accessible car modifications, a journey to freedom

I recall the first time I was asked the question 'Do you want tie-downs?' "What? What are tie-downs?", I asked, puzzled. "Tie-downs are these little metal things that attached to your wheel-chair but means that you can be strapped into a wheel-chair accessible vehicle.", responded our OT (occupational therapist). "Don't worry, you can always add… Continue reading Wheel chair accessible car modifications, a journey to freedom

Home, Special Needs, Travel

Hot lunch on the go when travelling with special needs

One of the challenges of travelling without access to power is how to heat food on the go - this is particularly tricky when doing long haul international travel, camping or even just day trips around town. My daughter has food allergies and also eats orally but only single textures with a particular consistency. She… Continue reading Hot lunch on the go when travelling with special needs

Essential Oils, Home, Recipes, Special Needs

Supporting epilepsy with essential oils at home and school

Disclaimer: firstly I want to say essential oils are not a replacement for modern medicine. We don't use oils to treat but to support our existing approaches to my daughter's health. We take a complementary and a holistic approach to our daughter's health and will consider every medication and intervention how it works in the… Continue reading Supporting epilepsy with essential oils at home and school

Essential Oils, Home, learning, Recipes, Saving money, Special Needs

Craft time: Playdough

There are a million playdough recipes out there so why add another? Well we've been using the recipe on the back of our cream of tartare bottle for a long time now, but it's a lot of trial and error to get the method right so here's the easiest way to make the smoothest playdough:… Continue reading Craft time: Playdough

Home, learning, productivity, Special Needs

11 steps to working at home with kids – reflections

It's been a few weeks.. how time flies almost 2 months since posting my mega blog post with all those tips and resources. When I clicked published, it all seemed rosey and I thought I would be able to set up my energetic attention seeking 6 yo with a full schedule she'll be too busy… Continue reading 11 steps to working at home with kids – reflections

Essential Oils, Home, Special Needs

Peaceful Sleep – Essential Oil Blend

We all know the benefits of sleeping and I know when I don't sleep well I'm grumpy the next day and find it harder to function. I've always had problems sleeping, sometimes it was the I-have-so-many-other-things-I-prefer-to-do-than-sleep and Sleep-is-a-waste-of-time, then when I finally did put my head to the pillow my mind would be filled with… Continue reading Peaceful Sleep – Essential Oil Blend